Insight into Revelation

I’m going to try to make this as short and simple as possible.


Basically, there is strong evidence that the prophecies of the Book of Revelation have already been fulfilled.  For those of you who read my blog, you may remember an earlier post touching on this.  Basically, when you view the prophecies like this, it’s called taking a “Preterist View”.


Now, on with the evidence.


To save time for me, and to save room on the post, I will redirect you to this page, where you can read up on it.


Now, after you read that, here is some personal insight into the parts that are not explained there.


Basically, Satan manifested himself into Nero Caesar.  As you will read there, never in history – besides him – has there been someone to persecute Christians and take advantage of Jews the way he did.  Think about it.  I know it may seem as though Christians are persecuted very heavily in today’s world, but there has never been anyone like that, nor has the persecution been so disgusting.  You and I couldn’t take a walk to the market to pick up some bread without being ambushed, arrested, raped, beaten, scourged, and then beheaded if we were alive back then.  We may get yelled at by a couple atheists here and there today, but we have it pretty good compared to the days of Caesar.  And while there may be some muslim extremist leaders who despise us and want us exterminated along with the Jews, none experience sexual pleasure from watching the torture, rape, and murder of Jews and Christians like Nero Caesar did.


Today, you may also say that “lawlessness abounds”, but that’s not the case.  “Lawlessness” is the lack of law.  Today, we should rejoice when we turn on the 6 O’Clock news and see riots, and murders.  Why?  Because our police forces are doing something about it.  Consider this example.  Imagine one of those pictures of a fiery riot.  We see fire, burning buildings, screaming rioters, possibly armed rioters.  We may even see dead bodies lying in the street.  But we also see Riot Police and military forces working to dissipate the riot.  If lawlessness truly was abound here and now, we would have that same picture, minus the police forces.  In the days of Caesar, the authorities did not keep the law.  They worked to disregard the law.  They were the ones breaking the law.  That is lawlessness.


We have the issue of the 6000 year “plan” God set down for mankind.  To make a long, complicated subject that honestly deserves it’s own post simple, there is strong evidence (for me) that people are making it way too complicated than it is.  According to the Hebrew Calendar, we are in year 5776 right now.  Since God was the God of Israelites before he was God of Christians, it is relevant, in my opinion, to look to this calendar.  Notice that if you do, we have about 224 years left.  Considering that all Tribulation has been fulfilled, this means that the world will continue to become more and more glorious in the name of God and Jesus Christ until year 6000, when the end of humans occurs.


In regards to the last paragraph, perhaps we are living in the millennium now.  Sure, the world may not seem as peaceful and perfect as we may have thought, but that’s what an Evangelical Christian will do to you if you give him the chance.  By the way, where the heck is that third temple?!?

See, Eve’ies have it all wrong.  You’ll notice that most time in the Bible, when a period of time is given, it’s somewhat specific.  1,000 years is not specific, and we still use that sort of figurative speech today.  It signifies a long time.  Besides, Christ is supposed to be reigning during this time, isnt He?  Aren’t Christ and God immune to time anyway?  Exactly.  This means – to me – that things will continue getting better and more glorious until year 6,000 on the Hebrew Calendar, and then is when the final judgement will occur.  Society is certainly more Christian-friendly today than in the past.  It is less “wicked” as well.  Less addicted to drugs, less war than any other generation, etc.

And about that temple, I hate to break it to you guys, but really, it doesnt matter one way or another if it gets rebuilt.  It has been rebuilt twice, and the last destruction was the judgement of the Jews for not accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  The third and final temple is Jesus Christ.  Enter into Him, and you enter into eternity.  It is far greater than any physical temple ever could be.  Jews will try to rebuild the temple, surely.  They may even do it someday.  But it will be insignificant to God, because it will be no more than mortar and bricks.  Everything they have done since 1948 has been mostly by their own doing, trying to find God, rather than by God’s doing, trying to find the Jews.


I could go on for hours, but all in all, don’t be disappointed if you do not experience rapture, tribulation, or a really mean king forcing you to get a tattoo.  All of that already happened – except for the rapture, because that has always been false – and we are living in times now where we are not enslaved by Satan.  We must still minister, of course.  We must still have faith, of course.  But the Tribulation of Matthew 24, Revelation, and perhaps even the 70 week prohpecy of Daniel have all passed already.  We are living in a time when we will continue to improve, and improve, and improve some more, until we reach 6,000, and the final judgement does commence.  224 years to go!


Stay faithful, friends.


Oh, and on a side note, you will notice words like “Soon”, “Shortly hereafter”, “Quickly”, etc. in all of the “end-times” prophecies.  2000 years is not the definition of any of those, and any longer certainly is not the definition either.  We must work as saints and priests now, and make this world white as snow.  Jesus is here now, and we should always work to please Him, even so when He wasn’t here, but especially now.  He is the arm of God, and we are His instruments.  Let us work for him, for because of Him, we are free of the devil’s snare.


God Bless



Posted on January 12, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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